So, it happened. Your best friend got a boyfriend. And while you’re totally happy for her, you can’t but feel like it’s the end of an era. ...

07:52:00 by cuiisat
So, it happened. Your best friend got a boyfriend. And while you’re totally happy for her, you can’t but feel like it’s the end of an era. 

You have to say goodbye to the wild nights out every weekend, the wine nights where you watch The Notebook and cry about how single you both are and resolve to just marry each other, and being able to walk around in your bra and underwear at your best friend’s place because it won’t just be the two of you.

1. First, you’re very excited.

2. You want to get to know him, so you insist on third wheeling all the things.

3. Because dating her basically means he’s dating you too.

4. And you make sure he knows that if he breaks her heart, he has to deal with you.

5. But then you start to get kinda annoyed he’s always around or she’s always with him.

6. It’s not the same belting breakup and f*ck you songs at the top of your lungs together.

7. Because she's not breaking up with him, and that's not what she means when she says "f*ck you."

8.He replaces you in her profile picture.

9. Rude.

10. She’s not always free to do nothing with you because now she does nothing with him.